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Welcome to the Career Construction and Employability page. Please read the following important information if you would like to know about career related services and more about these services at Emthonjeni Student Wellness. Counsellors at student counselling work with the following populations:

  • Current Mandela University students considering a course change
  • Prospective students
  • Employees referred by Industry/Companies (e.g., Isuzu - Missionvale campus)

Our aim as career counsellors is to assist students in choosing careers that are informed by thorough exploration and in this way promote access to the Nelson Mandela University and retention.


Nelson Mandela University is a comprehensive university, meaning that we offer tertiary programmes ranging from Higher Certificates, Diplomas through to Degrees and Postgraduate Programmes.

Mandela University has the following Faculties across the various campuses.

  • Health Sciences
  • Engineering and the Built Environment
  • Science
  • Education
  • Law
  • Humanities
  • Business and Economic Sciences

Each Faculty prospectus is available electronically via the university website from which all the undergraduate courses according to these faculties are listed with entry requirements. It is necessary that you familiarise yourself with this resource. It also has information on merit bursaries that is useful for students to know about.

Additional Practical Career Information on:

National Senior Certificate

Guidelines for Entry into Tertiary

Calculating Entry Points

Referral to TVET/TVET Colleges

Basic course of information