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National Higher Certificate National Higher Certificate Pass the NSC with a minimum of 30% in language of learning and teaching of the Higher education institution as certified by Umalusi, together with any other university requirements.
Diploma Pass the NSC with a minimum of 30% in the language of learning and teaching of the higher education institution, coupled with an achievement rating of 3 (40-49%) or better in four 20 credit subjects, together with any university requirements.
Degree Pass the NSC with a minimum of 30% in the language of learning and teaching of the higher education institution, coupled with an achievement rating of 4 (50-59%) or better in four 20 credit subjects from the designated list, together with any other university requirements.


Designated List (Please check this with relevant changes for 2021)

Accounting Information Technology
Agricultural Sciences Language Life Sciences
Business Studies Maths/Maths Literacy
Consumer Studies Music
Dramatic Arts Physical Sciences
Economics Religion Studies
Engineering Visual Arts
Graphics & Design Information Technology
History Languages Life Sciences


*NOTE: Learners must take 2 languages as well as Maths or Maths Literacy (this mean that they have 3 of the four subjects required for degree entry – just check that marks are at required levels.